Welcome to the LCi Webinars – an invaluable knowledge and capability development resource freely available to our Lean Construction community of learning and practice. These Webinars are delivered by Clients/Owners, Contractors and their Associated Supply Chain, Lean Academics, and Lean Service Providers from Ireland as well as from around the world. Most importantly, they include real-world, practical, and applied presentations from practitioners in the field – all made intuitive and accessible for those relatively new to Lean in Construction as well as for those more advanced in their Lean knowledge and implementation journeys.

The Latest Webinar is the most recent Webinar delivered. The Upcoming Webinars outline future Webinars, and there is a Webinar Library for the current year as well as previous years. The Search function allows you to input Keywords or Tags to find what you are looking for.


February: Lean Thinking, Big Results: Transforming Program Mobilisation


Tim Jolly – Senior Chartered Civil and Structural Engineer – Arcadis DPS Group Global


To Be Confirmed


Join us for this engaging 1-hour session, where we reveal how lean thinking and expert mobilisation strategies are transforming program delivery in the construction industry. With a relative scarcity of skilled engineering resources and increasing competition, companies must advance their mobilisation processes to stay ahead.

Discover how our team of mobilisation experts has systematically driven measurable efficiencies, optimised forecasting, and streamlined operations over the past 5 years. Learn how we’ve tackled inefficiencies, redefined systems, and delivered real cost savings for global hi-tech projects. Designed for lean construction professionals and upper management, this presentation will highlight actionable insights and proven methods to unlock value, reduce waste, and gain a competitive edge through program mobilisation.

Experience the power of lean mobilisation and see how it can transform your projects.


27th February – Lean Thinking, Big Results: Transforming Program Mobilisation


28th November: Uisce Éireann


Mark Pyne – Continuous Improvement Manager – Uisce Éireann

25th January: Last Planner System

To Be Confirmed

28th March: Going digital: Change doesn’t have to be complicated

In this presentation, George will delve into the way technology can be seamlessly trialled, then integrated into daily…READ MORE

25th April: Lean Process Implementation for Capital Projects in the Further Education Sector – A Funding Agency Perspective

SOLAS are currently funding Ireland’s first capital call for the Further Education and Training (FET) sector. Through this…READ MORE

23rd May: Target Value Delivery of Building Projects

The webinar provides an overview of a book titled Target Value Delivery of Building Projects, which will be…READ MORE

22nd August – Commercial Solar PV Overview

An overview of commercial PV design and installation focusing on safety, efficiencies, new developments and innovations. Also discussed…READ MORE

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September 26th – The 5 Critical Measures You Need to Transform Your Projects Productivity

Are your projects consistently falling behind schedule, exceeding budgets or failing to deliver the required margin and profitability?…READ MORE

31st October – The Power of Collaborative Planning for Project Success

This presentation will explore the critical role of collaboration in project planning and its direct impact on project…READ MORE

28th November: Uisce Éireann

To Be Confirmed

January 26th: Introduction to the LCi Training Course Portfolio

May 30th: Build Digital

September 21st: Lean, Green & ESG

February 23rd: Digitalisation of Systems and Processes

June 21st: Built To Innovate: Enterprise Ireland’s new supports for the construction industry.

October 26th – How Autodesk Construction Cloud Can Support Lean on Your Construction Projects

March 23rd: Sustaining the Last Planner System

July 27th: Learning Management Systems & Personal Development

November 30th: Digital Transformation – Where the Journey Begins

April 13th: Revolutionising Construction for the Benefit of the Environment, the Contractor and the Invester

August 24th: Proposed Efficiencies within the Capital Works Management Framework

January 20th: Implement Lean Processes by Streamlining Site and Office Collaboration

Construction companies handle and process large volumes of data every day — but much of this is spread…READ MORE

February 23rd: Decoding the ‘Lean’ in Production Management

Overview: With rising manufacturing costs, smart working practices have never been more important. Companies have to ensure they…READ MORE

March 30th: Benefits and Challenges of using Last Planner

Peter joined Ardmac in 2013 and has been instrumental in the successful completion of over fourteen Cleanroom projects…READ MORE

April 21st: The Role of Lean in Digital Construction

The rapid rise in technologies such as wireless sensor networks, artificial intelligence/machine learning and reality capture has given…READ MORE

May 25th: Lean on the Machine

This webinar introduces a Lean construction process that focuses on the Machine Control component of the construction site…READ MORE

June 16th: Development of the Lean Construction MOOC

David is an experienced Project Manager and Civil Engineer whom has procured, designed and constructed a number of…READ MORE

July 28th: Capturing Quality Information Using Artificial Intelligence

Using an off-the-shelf product from Microsoft Sisk have created an AI tool to capture data from a concrete…READ MORE

August 31st: Built to Innovate

As part of the Governments Housing for All plan Enterprise Ireland has been tasked with providing productivity and…READ MORE

October 20th: Transforming Asset Management Capability at Irish Water

Irish Water are the biggest utility in Ireland, managing 1000s of projects. When it comes to leveraging innovation…READ MORE

November 30th: How Pairing a Lean Process With Jobsite Analytics Drives Project Success

Structuring data at the jobsite level and implementing the Last Planner System® can drive the predictability of your…READ MORE

The Engineer’s role in a collaborative approach to Lean design

A targeted and collaborative approach to carbon reduction. The SDG target dates are ambitious…from now and over the…

Direct Observation to Improve Productivity

Direct Observation is a process where non-productive activities are identified and systematically eliminated resulting in improved workforce productivity…

Delivering Northern Ireland Water capital programme through strategy, collaboration, and digital improvements

Northern Ireland Water (NIW) and OutForm Consulting, will share their experience of driving performance improvement in capital delivery…

Did Covid Kill Lean Relaunching your Lean Initiative in 2021

Lean initiatives have suffered during Covid: staff layoffs, reductions in training budgets, the need to reestablish supply chains…

Lean Construction – Industry and academic partnerships delivering better, faster, together.

This webinar examines the opportunity of industry academic partnerships as tools for improvement of lean construction outcomes. We…

Enabling Industrialised Construction – The Future of Construction

This presentation outlines the key initiatives which forms part of Vision Built’s approach towards Industrialised Construction. Combining modern…

Rework Hurts People & Projects

Rework Hurts People & Projects. Some key headlines are: Workers have 70% greater probability of being injured while…

Lean Construction – Benefits and Challenges of Lean in Design

Peter Lonergan, Technical Manager at Ardmac will present the benefits and challenges of implementing a lean in design…

Revolutionising Off-Site Manufacturing

In this webinar James will speak about the Lean journey & philosophy at Modubuild. He will demonstrate how…

Leveraging Lean Construction Methodologies to help the Irish Construction Sector Transition to a Low Carbon Industry

The Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Bill 2021 sets ambitious interim targets for greenhouse gas emissions…

Integrated Project Delivery

This webinar will be particularly relevant and informative for Irish capital project clients/owners and their contractors. Lean Construction…

Choosing by Advantages

Paz Arroyo presents on the basics of Choosing by Advantages (CBA), why CBA is so useful to construction,…

Cultural Challenges of Implementation of LPD

Alan Mossman will talk about: full on LPD, why it involves a system change, what customers/clients/owners need to…

Leadership for Lean Project Delivery

Kevin McHugh presents on the critical leadership and ownership skills required to effectively and efficiently lead Lean Project…

The Persuasive Power of the Last Planner® System Metrics

The Last Planner® System is a powerful production management system, with 6 key phases to support on time…

A Lean Approach for the adoption of the BIM methodology in an organization

In the session “Lean Approach for the adoption of the BIM methodology in an organization” a working method…

Facilities in Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities

The recent events of the pandemic with switching to virtual learning has even put more pressure on existing…

TAKT – the foundation for technology revolution in construction

Takt was a main driver for the industrial revolution in barley all production related industries. Construction never implemented…

That’s the way we do it – overcoming traditional project management limitations

Two cross-functional teams separated by a calendar year, demonstrate how a Lean approach with geographically distributed teams exponentially…

Driving Collaboration: Leveraging the EFQM Model & ISO44001

Organizational collaboration has become increasingly important… most organizations still lack the knowledge and management capabilities..

ISO 18404 as a Lean Construction Transformation Model

In 2018 the first construction company in the world achieved the international lean standard ISO18404. This webinar presents…

Automation in Construction in Association with Autodesk

Jaimie Johnston talks about why massive shifts are inevitable for construction, why construction must increasingly move more towards…

Ardmac – Our Lean Story so Far

An overview of how Ardmac have applied Lean Construction Principles throughout the company. The presentation will focus on…

Lean & BIM

Good Information (timely, accurate, relevant) is critical to Lean Construction, and BIM (Building Information Modelling) helps to provide “good…

Quality Matters

It is estimated that poor quality is costing the construction industry annually more than the combined profits of…

5S – deliver more value with less waste

5S is a simple Lean tool that minimises treasure hunts, allowing more time to deliver value. This webinar…

Target Value Delivery

In the webinar, an argument will be made that the natural target for built environment projects is net…

Last Planner® System – Whiteboard Meetings/Daily Huddles

Simon Tritschler presents on BAM Ireland’s adoption of LPS, use of whiteboard meetings and daily huddles, and outlines…

The UK’s “Get it Right” Initiative (GIRI)

Tom Barton presents on the UK’s Get It Right Initiative, and examines the perils of getting it wrong…

Optimisations in the use of digital document management

Liz Allan discusses the implementation of improvement projects and how Jacobs optimise digital documentation management for collaborative engineering…

Rapid Problem Solving in Action

Maria Ryan presents on rapid problem solving, understanding the concept, utilising this structured thinking approach, and the critical…

Ardmac – Our Lean Story So Far

Jason Casey provides an overview of the Ardmac Lean journey to date, why and how the company made…

The application of Lean in the building of Timber Frame Structures

James McNabb and Peter McCaughey discuss IJM Timber Engineering Limited’s adoption of Lean, the importance of getting Lean…

Lean at Sisk Construction

Joe O’Sullivan and Cormac Fitzpatrick discuss why SISK has adopted Lean, the impetus for change, defining Lean for…

Why the ROI from Lean Construction Training is so Compelling

Joe O’Callaghan, along with Aiden O’Dwyer of DPS Operations Cork, present on the DPS Lean journey to date…


Denis Leonard provides an overview of benchmarking, what it entails, how to do it, relay some personal experiences…

Is anyone looking after the quality?

Professor John Cole presents evidence of the growing concern about the lack of consistency in the quality of…

Cost of quality in construction

Denis Leonard presents evidence of the cost of quality in construction and the sectoral opportunities for improvement.

Direct Observation/DMAIC

Gerry Walsh and Brendan Malone present on the value of Direct Observation and the DMAIC approach to continuous…

Lessons from the US National housing quality Award

Denis Leonard presents on the National Housing Quality Award, why it was formed, how it functions, its impact,…

The Use of A3 Thinking in Driving Lean Improvements

Greg Moran presents on the use of A3 thinking in driving Lean improvements.

The 5 Levels of the Last Planner® System

Paul Ebbs presents on the 5 levels of LPS and the Villego Last Planner Simulation.

Last Planner® System – The Practical Application and Benefits of the 6-Week Look Ahead

Niall Stone presents on LPS and the practical application and benefits of the 6-Week lookahead plan.

Last Planner® System – The Practical Application and Benefits of an Effective Pull Plan Session

Willie Power and Eddie Quinn present on LPS and the practical application and benefits of effective pull planning.