Lean Construction Ireland are seeking an Executive Director

Lean Construction Ireland (LCi) is a community of learning and practice that advocates for the transformation of the Irish construction sector through the adoption of Lean thinking and practices by the entire sector.

Our vision is to create an environment that enables the design and delivery of capital projects Better, Faster, Together, and that also advances organisations’ operational excellence.

Our mission is to transform Irish construction by promoting Lean thinking, tools and technology.

LCi Strategic Plan 2022/2024 identifies several key objectives that not only enhances LCi’s influence and reach across the Irish construction sector but will also enable LCi to better support the sector with the understanding and implementation of Lean thinking and practices and continuous improvement initiatives.

To support the Board deliver the objectives set out in Strategic Plan 2022/2024, LCi is looking to appoint an Executive Director to lead delivery of the strategic plan. The Executive Director will play a key role as part of the LCi Executive and will have responsibility not just for delivering the objectives set out in Strategic Plan 2022/2024, but for supporting the Board accelerate achieving its vision and objectives.

Job Description:

Executive Director responsible for leading and driving forward the actions and activities required to delivery Strategic Plan 2022/2024 and accelerate LCi’s achieving its vision and objectives.

Key Responsibilities and Accountabilities:

  • Defining and specifying the priority outputs and deliverables associated with each “Pillar” of LCi’s Strategic Plan 2022/2024.
  • Developing a programme of activities and delivery timeline for these outputs and deliverables.
  • Delivering the outputs required as part of Strategic Plan 2022/2024.
  • Securing input and support from across the Irish construction sector (and wider afield) to progress delivery of Strategic Plan 2022/2024.
  • Identifying sources of income to cover any investment LCi needs to make to progress the programme of activities and realise these sources.
  • Ensuring there exists sound communication between the various Board working groups and the LCi Executive.


Outputs and Deliverables Associated with the Role:

  • Develop KPIs to track delivery of Strategic Plan 2022/2024 outputs and prepare monthly reports for the Executive.
  • Undertake project risk views and initiate appropriate mitigation plans as required.
  • Carry out value-based analysis/gap analysis of how and where LCi is adding value.
  • Prepare Business Cases needed to secure investment in LCi resources and for any developmental areas.
  • Build on the existing LCi Market Engagement strategy and enhance LCi engagement with the construction sector and other relevant stakeholders.
  • Lead delivery of LCi’s Course Portfolio engaging with the approved trainers and sector representatives.
  • Prepare papers/articles to help build the LCi profile and sector position and engage with publication house.


Reports to:

LCi Executive and the LCi Board.

Relevant Experience:

  • Knowledge and understanding of the Irish construction sector is a requirement.
  • Experience of managing and delivering project within the construction environment is a requirement.
  • Knowledge of Lean and continuous improvement would be an advantage however not necessarily a requirement.


Time Commitment:

It is anticipated the role will be 2 – 3 Days per week.


  • Remote working arrangements will apply to the role.
  • In-person meetings with the LCi Executive and the LCi Board will take place every two months or at least quarterly.
  • In-person attendance will be required at regional events and other business events which will be agreed with the LCi Executive in advance.


Remuneration: Negotiable

To learn more about this unique opportunity, please complete the below and a colleague will be in contact shortly: